Thursday, February 4, 2010

It's this day again. (:

Oh, boy. I do love you.

Oh, it's 4th of every month again and now, it has been officially 10 months since me and Jason got together. Alot of ups and downs, but we're fine now. (: Well, doesn't mean we can slack and let distractions get into out way. Enough quarrels, i scared already. The fear of losing is scary. But oh well, we not that sweet sweet anymore. 10 month or not, it's just a normal day. (: It's okay, if we're really loving and all, everyday will be a sweet, loving day. Agree? Anyway, valentines' day and chinese new year is just around the corner. Anyone excited? I am! Cause i wonder where i will go going in the night after all those new year celebrations. Morning till afternoon is new year celebration. Evening to night, is valentines' day celebration. Woohoo~ Cant wait. :D I only bought a dress this year for new year. Still thinking whether i should get one more set, but all my relatives stay so near my area........ Argh! We shall see. Hahaha. If not, i will just get myself a bag. It has been since a long time since i did shopping. Due to cash flow problems, i have been telling myself, i should not spend so much. But, maybe it's new year (excuses), i think i should pamper myself. :D HAHAHA. Wonder should i get that _______ for you* or not. No clues shall be given. Hahaha. Guess if you can. LOL! Confirm cannot one. Everyone can guess, including you, my boyfriend. (:
Anyway, happy 10th month to you my baby.
I love you.

P.s: Baby, try guessing okay?
But i tell you first, even if you get the answer right, i will not tell you.

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