Would it be better to restore or to replace? (Just a short rant)
For me, my answer would be to restore what was lost, not because it was my comfort zone. But because I didn't let go willingly, and I still have feelings for what was lost. Longing for restoration is very tiring but I'm holding on tight, because why?
Firstly, it might not even happen. Secondly, even if it does, how to restore?
Thirdly, if restored, will it be fruitful and be better than before?
I can't promise on it to be perfect but everyday, the moment I'm awake and my mind starts processing, I've never stopped longing the need and want of restoration. And if I'm giving another chance, I will promise to make this second time an even better one.
To replace, will never be my option unless you force me to. Because its hard for me to just, move on without you..